Actress Katrina Kaif, who was in the Capital on Wednesday to receive an achievement award, made the most of her time here and performed at the sangeet ceremony of Radhika Singhal and Saurabh Dhoot at a bungalow on Amrita Shergill Marg. Kat’s enthusiastic and sexy dance routine with Saurabh went down well with the crowd, including Radhika, who happily surrendered her partner at Kat’s request. “Can I take your groom for two minutes? I want to take your permission. I don’t want to get into trouble. I’m in enough trouble already,” Kat said. Singhal blushed, smiled and said, “Take him”, and then enthusiastically cheered them on. The star pocketed Rs 50 lakh for her 20-minute performance. Music director duo Vishal and Shekhar performed, too. Actors Abhay Deol and Nikhil Dwivedi and filmmaker Navdeep Singh were among the 1,500 guests present at the pre-wedding bash celebrating the match between familes of two prominent industrialists of Delhi.
Katrina kaif was seen performing at the wedding bash of Radhika (daughter of industrialist Sanjay Singal) and Saurabh (son of industrialist Pradeep Dhoot) in Delhi
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